Sunday, October 9, 2016

Signs you are a mom to two

As most of you know our little family just grew by 1. By 7 pounds and 6 oz to be exact. I know-that doesn't seem like much. But.....if you are a mom to two, then you know that is a very big difference. Its the difference between going to the grocery store and feeling like the whole family can survive on hot pockets that were already in the freezer and pizza that your husband goes to pick up at the store.

So here is a list of things that might indicate that you are or once were a mom to a toddler and a newborn:

You get two showers in one day and feel totally spoiled. Then three days later you realize, that was the last time you took a shower.

You have the urge to punch a swing for not working correctly.

You need every kind of battery there is for all needed baby contraptions that might keep baby happy.

You find yourself stranded on the potty because you were nursing the most demanding baby and didnt want to unlatch, but didnt think about the potty exit.

You let your toddler destroy the house, as long as everyone is safe, fed, and has a clean diaper, you feel extremely successful.

When buying postpartum pants, you ask yourself above or below incision and or/new mom belly-which should be non existent at this point because between nursing the new baby every 1-2 hours and chasing the toddler you never get the chance to eat a proper meal. (unless Daddy is home of course)

When your son pees all over your bed at 3 a.m., you don't even care as long as he goes back to sleep and stays asleep for that massive 1.5 hour window you love and cherish so much.

Your toddler has a red hand during day's out because of your death grip on it.

You have those interestingly placed wet spots on your shirt, or are seen crossing your arms like its freezing outside when its 80 degrees outside because either A) you refuse to wear breastpads today because they are so uncomfortable. or B) you just forgot them because there is a thousand other things you have to pack for these two in diapers and your brain is turning into mush.

You thank God daily for microwaves and freezers.

You realize at about 5 p.m. this is the first time you have peed all day, and during days out you started considering getting depends because there is no possible way you could go to the bathroom with two kids.

Even though you don't have your brows on, and your shirt has leaked breastmilk and spit up on it, plus that dang new mom belly, when you are out and people see you with your two kids under 3, you assume they are jealous because you have so much love pouring out of you and them, and they are both just a dream come true for you in every way. While it is definitely one of the most challenging times of your life in more ways then one, it is also one of the best times of your life, and you know to cherish every tiny moment. Be it when your arms are full of two, when you are fighting off the toddler to help the new little guy get some real tummy time, when you are picking up the emptied wipe case for the third time in one day, or when your husband and you get to share a mere 20 quiet minutes drinking a beer and watching football together.

SO-it is certainly taking some adjusting to our new handsome boy Luca's arrival. But even though there have been a few(okay more then a few) times I have thought I am losing it-there have been a hundred more times I have been thankful and overwhelmed with all the love and blessings!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I honestly can agree with 100% of this, this is my everyday. There are days I need to go to the store for milk or something for dinner and realize I haven't showered in 2 days, it would be 2 hours before we got out the door after feeding, changing, dressing and feeding again.
    So guess what it's sandwiches for supper and text husband to stop at the store on his way home.
    Then he walks in and you're still in night shirt, have milk and spit up stains all over, for me my toddler is probably naked running around in the living room with all his toys dumped out.
    Sending you Mommy love!! And thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one out there

  3. I honestly can agree with 100% of this, this is my everyday. There are days I need to go to the store for milk or something for dinner and realize I haven't showered in 2 days, it would be 2 hours before we got out the door after feeding, changing, dressing and feeding again.
    So guess what it's sandwiches for supper and text husband to stop at the store on his way home.
    Then he walks in and you're still in night shirt, have milk and spit up stains all over, for me my toddler is probably naked running around in the living room with all his toys dumped out.
    Sending you Mommy love!! And thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one out there
