So here I am. I am finally doing it. Ive contemplated on whether or not I should share my story. Ive contemplated on whether or not our story was even worth telling. In the end, I realized I don't quite care how much others need or want to read my story. I need to tell this story, and have it documented somewhere. I recently shared my birth story(without filter)with a dear friend, and realized it was quite the journey.
So, I'm going to share my husband Jacob and I's amazing adventures with you. Forgive me for grammar errors-I am so used to auto correct at this point, it is absolutely ridiculous.
I hope in some ways, my story helps people. Ive been going over and over in my head who I can turn to for advice on certain medical aspects that led to certain emotional aspects, I really cant think of one person who has had a journey similar to mine in all of the ways I experienced pregnancy. Maybe in one way, but not all of them. Not even two of the ways!
I MIGHT even share some of my inner monologue on certain situations Ive encountered when dealing with people's comments concerning my daughter Emersyn having Trisomy 21. My inner monologue says everything that this sweet country girl just isn't allowed to say. You can never quite guess what someone is going to say about Emersyn or Down syndrome.
So welcome! Welcome to Emersyn's World! This world is a brighter one. Every moment, every smile, every milestone-was highlighted so much brighter!
Yay! Welcome to blogging! I am SO excited to join Emersyn, you, Jacob on your journey!