Today is World Down Syndrome Day! A day to celebrate Emersyn and all her fellow Homies with extra Chromies.
It is always quite the day, and the build up is always pretty incredible. Its our third year and there does seem to be a theme happening with our little family on this day, and it reminds me a lot of becoming a parent, and what we decided the general theme with Emersyn was pretty early on- "Expect the Unexpected."
We had big plans today. We planned on taking Emersyn to the Zoo, and watching her eyes light up with all her knowledge and understanding of the animals, and signing to us with pride what the animals were. BUT. The weather had different plans. It was kinda chilly and really windy. Emersyn's tummy hasn't been in top form due to some teething issues, so we had to decide we shouldn't travel that far away just to feel cold and deal with uncomfortable diaper changes in the car.
Last year Emersyn had an extreme tummy bug that left us with little options as well.
Our very first World Down Syndrome Day, was our coming out of sorts. I decided to be brave, and put on some cool socks and take a picture of my girl with the biggest grin and say we were celebrating. We got an extreme amount of support, and I also got about 20 friend requests on facebook that day......which left me with a lot of questions. I ultimately decided regardless of people's motive to be my friend, that in the end Emersyn would teach them many things they didn't know (just like she taught me) and in the end Down syndrome would show her bright and shiny colors, that it is not something to fear, but to celebrate.
You are probably still wondering how do I think this day is like parenthood?
Well, for me, and for most new parents I think, you have all these really big grand plans about what parenthood will be like. I mean, I listen to people who don't have kids talk about what they will and will not do, and all their plans. I internally am grinning like a Cheshire cat thinking "Oh yes I am SO sure it will go right according to plan, you will definitely be organized, organic, and keep your beauty and health regime exactly the same-all while having that super baby that sleeps all night due to your amazing sleep training skills." Hey I guess it COULD happen to someone out there, I have never met them, but it could happen.
When Jacob and I became parents-we were forced into a much bigger world of responsibility and decision making that there was just no way we could have prepared for it. I read pregnancy books, books about baby's first year, and breastfeeding books. Not one prepared us. Yes, we were scared. There were a few days we were terrified. You could never plan on talking about chemotherapy on day three of your child's life. You don't plan on therapy at 10 weeks old(as I sit here and see her very first assessment on the desk somehow). It was hard-thinking as a mom-that you are not enough for your baby. You need professionals to come in to tell you how to work with your precious baby to help her reach her milestones. You don't plan on people apologizing to you about your gorgeous baby girl, instead of congratulating you.
With all of those things in consideration, it is absolutely incredible to me that something else you could never plan on is all of it feeling completely natural to be Emersyn's mom. I had changed possibly three diapers before Emersyn came along, but I felt like it was what we were born to do. Changing that tiny 4 pound baby's diaper while maneuvering around cords and IV's. Breastfeeding came with all kinds of challenges, and while we didn't get it together til she was 12 weeks old, I knew we would in our own time. We certainly became pros at that, having the most amazing bonding experience while providing her with only the best. Everything about being her mommy and daddy felt completely natural to us, because she was a part of us from the moment we knew she was coming. It was like life started the moment we saw her. We didn't know hardly anything about Down syndrome, accept what society teaches you, which is it is something to be feared. We DID know our daughter. In the end, the feelings of not being enough completely disappeared, because I realized NOBODY knew Emersyn the way Jacob and I did. She took up all the space in our hearts-and the looks of trust and love she gave us right from the beginning told us that we took up all the space in her heart too.
This day wasn't grand like we hoped for-we went to the Cafe for lunch, and the mall for some necessities, and Lowe's for some house repair items. Even though it wasn't grand-we had a great time. When we woke up Emersyn got in bed with us and smothered us with love, and we did the same for her. When we went to all those places-we showed everyone how awesome Emersyn is(and how Down syndrome isn't scary). We told people about what today was-and why it was on March 21st. We ended it with dancing, snacking, and more kisses, snuggles, and hugs.
Parenthood is nothing like I planned it to be. I thank GOD every single day he threw a little extra in my gorgeous girl. The extra snuggles. The extra kisses. The extra laughs. The extra celebrations. They all make parenthood something I can only feel was my true destiny in this life. I am so thankful I have had her to teach me-and all those around her. When people tell us Emersyn is lucky to have us as parents, its hard not to tell them they are crazy because WE are the lucky ones to have her as a daughter!